Items where Author is "Adji Suratman, Prof Adji"

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Number of items: 42.


Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Hamilah, HH and Laela Rahmawati, LR (2022) Factors affecting Audit Report Lag with Public Accounting Firms as Moderating Variables in Banking Companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2020. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 5. pp. 3552-3565. ISSN ISSN (print): 2644-0490, ISSN (online): 2644-0504

Hamilah, HH and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Laela Rahmawati, LR (2022) Factors affecting Audit Report Lag with Public Accounting Firms as Moderating Variables in Banking Companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2020. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 5. pp. 3552-3565. ISSN ISSN (print): 2644-0490, ISSN (online): 2644-0504

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji The Effect of the Effectiveness of Internal Control, Compensation Systems, Information Asymmetry and Accounting Rules, Management Morality on Trends of Accounting Diseases with Unethical Behavior as Intervening Variables (Empirical Study at Adventist Academy in Jakarta). International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 8. pp. 47-58. ISSN 2319 – 8028

Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Ida Musdafia Ibrahim, Ida Misdafia Ibrahim and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE IN PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN INDONESIA. JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, 56 (3). ISSN 0258-2724

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and GUSMIARNI, STIE Y.A.I Laporan Jurnal "The Effect of Institutional Ownership, Return On Assets (ROA) and Firm Size On Firm Value – Empirical Studies On Real Estate and Property Companies". International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. ISSN 2456-2165

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and, elon Laporan Jurnal "The Influence Of Independence, Professionalism, Professional Ethics, And Accountability Of Auditors To The Quality Of Audit With Audit Work Discipline As Intervening Variables At Public Accounting Firm (Kap) In The Bekasi Area". International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. ISSN 2456-2165

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20-21, Jurnal Internasional licensee Growing Science, Canada. Licensee Growing Science, Canada.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semseter Ganjil 20-21, Jurnal Internasional IJBM. IJBM.

Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Ida Musdafia Ibrahim, Ida Misdafia Ibrahim and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Turniti 32 "IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE IN PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN INDONESIA". Journal of Southwest Jiatong University, 56 (3). ISSN 0258-2724


Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Analisis Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum. PT Mandala Nasional. ISBN 978 623 6839 13 3

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Audit Forensik. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Buku "Etika Bisnis dan Profesi". Mandala Nasional.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Buku Semester Ganjil 20-21 " Analisis Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum. PT Mandala Nasional.


Prof. Dr. Adji Suratman MM. Ak, CA, CPA, Dr. Hamilah, S.E., Ak., M.M. dkk (2022) SURAT PENCATATAN CIPTAAN Factors Affecting Audit Report Lag With Public AccountingFirms As Moderating Variables In Banking Companies On Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2020. EC002022105237.


Swesti Mahardini, Swesti Mahardini and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd, Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd and Yopie Yulius, Yopie and HAMILAH, STIE Y.A.I (2023) Laporan Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pelatihan Digital Entrepreneurship Untuk Meningkatkan Life Skill Santri Pesantren Yatim Duafa Di Kelurahan Pisangan Lama Kecamatan Pulogadung Provinsi Jakarta Timur. STIE Y.A.I.

Swesti Mahardini, Swesti Mahardini and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd, Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd and Yopie Yulius, Yopie (2022) Pelatihan Penggunaan Microsoft Excel Dalam Rekapitulasi Data di Balai Warga 03 Kelurahan Paseban Kecamatan Senen Provinsi Jakarta Pusat. STIE Y.A.I.

Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Ibrahim, Ida Musdafia (2022) Per Review: Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Private Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia. sekolah tinggi ilmu ekonomi YAI, Jakarta.

Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Ibrahim, Ida Musdafia (2022) Turnitin: Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Private Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia. sekolah tinggi ilmu ekonomi YAI, Jakarta.

Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd, Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd and Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Nuzulul Hidayati, Nuzulul Hidayati and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Ida Musdafia Ibrahim, Ida Misdafia Ibrahim and Pandu Haryanto, Pandu Haryanto and Zainal Arifin, Zainal and Lydia Kurniawan, Lydia ABDIMAS "Menjadi Kartini Milenial yang Menguasai Manajemen dan Teknologi Komputerisasi Bagi Santriwan/Ti Panti Yauma Yatim dan Duafa Kelurahan Paseban Kecamatan Senen Jakarta-Pusat". STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Etika Bisnis & Profesi (Smt. Ganjil 2022). STIE Y.A.I.

Wiwik Pratiwi, Wiwik Pratiwi and Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Tikkos Sitanggang, Tikkos Sitanggang LOA CEMJ "FINANCIAL DISTRESS IN THE HOSPITALITY, TOURISM, AND RESTAURANT SECTORS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ”. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum Bisnis (Smt Ganjil 2022). STIE Y.A.I.

Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd, Malik Hidayat,S.Ag.,M.Pd and Reschiwati, Reschiwati and Nuzulul Hidayati, Nuzulul Hidayati and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Ida Musdafia Ibrahim, Ida Misdafia Ibrahim and Pandu Haryanto, Pandu Haryanto and Zainal Arifin, Zainal and Lydia Kurniawan, Lydia Menjadi Kartini (Karakter Sejak Dini) Milenial Yang Menguasai Manajemen Dan Teknologi Komputerisasi Bagi Satriwan/ti Panti Yauma Yatim Dan Duafa Paseban Kecamatan Senin Jakarta-Pusat. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Nilai Presensi dan Pertemuan GCG (Semester Genap 2021-2022). STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Nilai Presensi dan Pertemuan Pengauditan Forensik (Semester Genap 2021-2022). STIE Y.A.I.

Yusuf Maura, Yusuf Maura and Adji Suratman, Prof Adji and Noviherni, Noviherni and Irwan R. Osman, Irwan R. Osman and Seftiatul Laela, Seftiatul Laela and irzansyahrial, syahrial and, elon Pembekalan Pengurus Perkumpulan Bundo Kanduang Minangkabau Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam Meyusun Laporan Keuangan Organisasi dan Laporan Keuangan UMKM. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Pengauditan Forensik (Smt Ganjil 2022). STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Presensi dan Nilai Etika Profesi Akuntansi. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Presensi dan Nilai Good Corporate Governance. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Presensi dan Nilai Pengauditan Forensik. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji SK Mengajar, Presensi, Pertemuan Etika Profesi Semester Gasal 22/23. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji SK Mengajar, Presensi, Pertemuan Pengauditan Forensik Gasal 22-23. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji SK Mengajar, Presensi, Pertemuan Sistem Pengendalian Mnj Gasal 22-23. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji SK dan Lampiran Pembimbing Akademik Gasal 2022/2023. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji SK-Presensi-Pertemuan Lingkungan Bisnis. STIE YAI.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganil 20/21, MK Etika Bisnis. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20-21, SK Mengajar Profession & Business Ethic, Etika Bisnis & Profesi, Lingkungan Bisnis & Hukum Bisnis. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20/21 " Isu – Isu Akuntansi & PSAK Dalam Penyajian Laporan Keuangan yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 Serta Panduan Globalnya". STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20/21 "Implementasi Klaster Perpajakan Dalam UU Cipta Kerja No. 11 Tahun 2020 Implikasinya Bagi Dunia Usaha". STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20/21 "Workshop Peningkatan Peran SPI Dalam Rangka Penguatan Layanan Manajemen Rumah Sakit Era Industri 4.0". STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20/21, MK Lingkungan Bisnis. STIE Y.A.I.

Adji Suratman, Prof Adji Semester Ganjil 20/21, MK Presensi Profession. STIE Y.A.I.

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 18:19:12 2025 UTC.